Tuesday, March 12, 2013

In the Time of Conclave and Smoke

The hype on the streets of Rome proceeding the Conclave?? The Next Pope's cassocks are on display!! Wait...

Yes, I'm not kidding you. People were crowding around this storefront window to look at cassocks. Not something you see everyday!! Even reporters from around the world were doing stories on this garments  I ran into a reporter from Los Angeles who said, I quote: "This is the closest some will ever get to a pope in their lifetime." I'm sorry sir. If you are in Rome, it is easier to get tickets to a papal audience than it is to get a flat screen on Black Friday. If looking at these cassocks is the closest experience you will have with a pope, you must be in Rome for the wrong reason!! Anyway, back to Conclave news...

As we arrived at the Square for the Conclave Opening Mass, I noticed a new addition to the facade of the Basilica: the red curtains!! In a matter of days, out next Holy Father will be walking out of that window and we can scream the phrase that is on the tongue of every Catholic in the world: HABEMUS PAPAM. 

It is roughly 8 a.m. but I am excited for this Mass to begin. I have come to terms that Pope Emeritus Benedict is no longer our Holy Father but now I have a new thing to come to terms with. As all the Cardinal-Electors process in for Mass, I realized that one of these men will be elevated to the Throne of St. Peter. I am in the same room as the next Holy Father and I have no idea who the Holy Spirit will pick. CATHOLIC CLIFFHANGER!!!

Cardinal Dolan. Gotta love him!!
As usual, the Mass was very reverent and holy. The readings were in English and Spanish so that got me excited!! The offertory petitions were in some crazy languages like Arabic and Swahili. The universal Church under one roof!! All of this was going too exciting to handle! I could not go another day without hearing someones name in the Eucharistic prayer. The whole "for the Order of Bishops" was just not cutting it for. I want a pope!! And luckily for me, I will have one soon.

I was in the Square when the first ballot was burned. Even though I knew it was highly unlikely that they would have a pope this early on, I was still antsy. As you will come to know when I tell my stories in greater detail, my faith blossomed even more when that black smoke came out of the chimney. All of this was happening and now the Church is completely in the hands of God. I am pleasantly awaiting the days to follow!!

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. 

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